Affordable Housing Plan Feedback Forum In-Person Option Postponed; Remote ZOOM Meeting at Noon Still Planned

Posted on
May 26, 2022
Town Hall

Residents are encouraged to attend a feedback forum as the Town’s Affordable Housing Plan continues to be developed and discussed.  A remote meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 31st at Noon.  Please note the In-Person option for participation has been postponed, but the lunchtime remote meeting via ZOOM scheduled for 12PM will continue.  Please plan to learn about the proposed goals and strategies being considered for the Town’s new Affordable Housing PlanAdd your voice to the discussion…we want your feedback!

Section 12 of Public Act 21-29 of the Connecticut General Statutes requires all municipalities to adopt an affordable housing plan specifying how each intends to increase the number of affordable housing developments in the municipality.  Winchester’s Housing Plan Steering Committee has been meeting monthly since November, 2021.  Please click here for more information.

Please remember to sign up to receive agendas and minutes through the Town's website E-Subscriber Services.