Housing Steering Committee meeting

Posted on
February 7, 2022
Town Hall
Town of Winchester
 Housing Plan Steering Committee
February 9, 2022
Meeting held via Zoom*:
Meeting ID: 876 1761 9557
Passcode: 505287
  • Plan for March 3rd town informational forum on the Housing Plan
  • Review draft presentation slides
  • Discuss how best to invite residents to attend the meeting
  • Review Housing Needs Survey results to date
  • Resident survey
  • Worker survey
  • NCCC student survey
  • Discuss initial housing needs identified so far in survey results and housing data analysis
Next meeting date (March 9 at 3pm)
For next meeting: Discuss possible goals and strategies to meet identified housing needs; review outcomes from informational forum
* Zoom instructions: Please follow these instructions to join the meeting:
1) Go to: www.zoom.us
2) Click on “JOIN A MEETING” at the top of the screen.
3) Enter the Meeting ID listed above and click “Join”
4) Enter the passcode when prompted