Photo Contest 2022 Results Announced!

Posted on
October 4, 2022
Town Hall

Congratulations to Steven Bishop, Aljean Ownes, Anita Garnett, Lynne Anstett, and Doug Miller for being selected as winners of the 2022 Winchester Town Photo Contest!

We had over 60 images submitted to the Town's Conservation Commission and Economic Development Commission for review as part of this process - while all submitted photos were amazing, the 12 you see below were those selected by the commissions as the best of the best. All photos were submitted as one of four categories: Beauty of Nature & Open Space, Activities & Enjoyment, People in the Environment, and Wildlife & Animals in Winchester - 3 winners were chosen in each category for a total of 12 total winning photos. The top photographers will be provided with the prize of a small gift card to local Winsted businesses and the pride and appreciation of the Town for helping us to capture the spirit of the beautiful place that we all live in and enjoy!

Click here to see the winning photos.

The Town's Conservation Commission and the Winchester Economic Development Commission put this friendly contest together as a fundraiser. They are assembling a town calendar that will be loaded with these pictures and the dates of major 2023 town events that is available to order for $16! All proceeds will help support the efforts of the Conservation Commission and the EDC. To reserve a copy of the 2023 Winchester/Winsted Calendar, please fill out this form:

Interested in participating in next year's photo contest? It starts now! As the leaves and seasons turn, be sure to get your cameras out and prepare to gather some all-star photos for next year's submission!

#WinstedCT #WinchesterCT #WinstedHasIt #Beautiful #photography #Connecticut #CT