Town of Winchester Prepares for Pending Winter Storm

Posted on
January 28, 2022
Town Hall

Emergency Management Director Steve Williams is advising residents that the Town of Winchester is prepared for the winter storm that will affect us this weekend.

The following actions are being taken by the various town departments that will respond to the storm:

  • A town-wide parking ban will take affect at 9PM this evening (Friday) and last through 8AM Sunday morning. Residents in need of off-street parking may use the lots at Bacheller and Pearson Schools. Vehicles parked there will need to be removed by 8AM Sunday morning.
  • The Department of Public Works has prepared all their equipment and has adequate supplies of sand and salt for the upcoming storm.
  • Winchester Police are prepared to increase their staffing levels to respond to the storm. They have 4-wheel drive vehicles that will allow them to respond to all calls that come int to dispatch.
  • Winsted and Winchester Fire Departments have prepared their equipment to respond to calls throughout the storm.
  • Winchester Civil Preparedness has scheduled a meeting of all town department heads to discuss preparations for response to the storm.
  • The Emergency Operations Center will be virtually activated initially to monitor the storm.  Winchester CERT has been activated to respond to the storm if needed.
  • Local Amateur Radio Operators that are part of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) have been requested to standby in case they are needed to assist with local communications.
  • Eversource has contacted the Town of Winchester to advise of their preparations for responding to potential power outages from the storm.  The EOC is in contact with Eversource and will monitor reports of power outages, in preparation for opening emergency shelters at the Senior Center and the Winchester Grange, if needed.